African Angle

Short Play, Comedy  /  4m, 1boy(s)

L. du Garde Peach

In a remote part of Africa two old hands, Bruce and Anderson, prepare to welcome Thomson and Ogilvy, two newcomers, to their district. Thomson is full of bumptious knowledge of native ways, gained from novels, and Bruce and Anderson decide to knock some of the conceit out of him.

African Angle

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    4m, 1boy(s)


In a remote part of Africa two old hands, Bruce and Anderson, prepare to welcome Thomson and Ogilvy, two newcomers, to their district. Thomson is full of bumptious knowledge of native ways, gained from novels, and Bruce and Anderson decide to knock some of the conceit out of him. They play up to him and pretend to fear the fierceness of the natives and to be unduly careless of their own safety. Thomson and Ogilvy are left alone together and Thomson grows increasingly alarmed, particularly when insistent native drums are heard in the distance. Ogilvy at first scoffs, but is at last persuaded that the natives plan an attack on the bungalow, having already ambushed Bruce and Anderson. They barricade the doors and arm themselves to meet the attack when Bruce and Anderson return safely, having thoroughly enjoyed the local wedding they have just attended - the cause of the drums. 
  • Setting A Bungalow in Tropical Africa

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.



L. du Garde Peach

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