Clouded Crystal

Short Play, Drama  /  6w

Norman Holland

A fake medium, Freda, trades on the credulous and the bereaved. She is assisted in this shoddy business by Ruth, who receives her clients, and by Chloe, who ferrets out the information about them.

Clouded Crystal

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
  • Audience
    Target Audience
    Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14 - 18)


A fake medium, Freda, trades on the credulous and the bereaved. She is assisted in this shoddy business by Ruth, who receives her clients, and by Chloe, who ferrets out the information about them. One client, Mrs Baynton, a dignified middle-aged lady, frightens Freda. Chloe can find nothing out about her; and Mrs Baynton voices her suspicions to Ruth that Freda is not genuine. When Ruth offers to refund her money Mrs Baynton abruptly refuses and insists on going on with the seance - she is determined to find out if there is anything to expose for the sake of other credulous fools who may have been taken in. But Freda surprises her by giving accurate information about her dead sister. Completely satisfied, Mrs Baynton leaves, promising to come again; Ruth is delighted, but Freda, instead of being relieved, is filled with terror - in her ignorance she has blundered into a reality of experience she cannot understand. 
Cast Attributes
  • Setting A Living-Room.

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.



Norman Holland

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