The Judas Kiss

The Judas Kiss

The Judas Kiss

The Judas Kiss


Liam Neeson starred on Broadway in this compelling depiction of Oscar Wilde just before and after his imprisonment. Act One captures him in 1895 on the eve of his arrest. He still has a chance to flee to the continent but chooses to let the train leave without him. In the second act, Wilde is in Naples more than two years later, after his release from Reading Gaol. In exile, he is drawn to a reunion with his unworthy lover and a final betrayal.


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David Hare

David Hare has been called "one of the great post-war British playwrights." Along with co-founding Portable Theatre Company and Joint Stock Theatre Group, he served as Resident Dramatist at the Royal Court Theatre in London and Resident Dramatist at the Nottingham Playhouse. ...
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