The Murders at Argos / Cressida Among the Greeks

The Murders at Argos / Cressida Among the Greeks

The Murders at Argos / Cressida Among the Greeks

The Murders at Argos / Cressida Among the Greeks

The Murders at Argos / Cressida Among the Greeks


Cressida Among the Greeks takes place during the last days of the Trojan War. The story of the doomed lovers is woven together with the foibles of the Trojan royal family as they try to stave off impending disaster. Cressida among the Greeks takes off from Shakespeare and Chaucer, revisting Trolius and Cressida, the classsic tale of love and betrayal amid the chaos of war, with romantic passion and acerbic humor.


David Foley

David Foley's thriller Deadly Murder has been translated into French, Italian, German, Czech, Greek, and Russian and has been produced across the United States, Europe, and the UK. It was nominated for a 2008 Edgar Award after it premiered at the first International Mystery W ...
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