Dandy Dick

Dandy Dick

Dandy Dick

Arthur W. Pinero, Christopher Luscombe

Dandy Dick

Dandy Dick

Arthur W. Pinero, Christopher Luscombe


Dandy Dick tells the hilarious story of the Very Reverend Augustin Jedd, a pillar of Victorian respectability, who preaches regularly against the evils of the Turf. But a visit from his tearaway sister, herself a habitual gambler, leads him to risk all at the races, much against his better judgement. Mayhem ensues, with romantic intrigue, mistaken identity and a runaway horse...Adaptation by Christopher Luscombe of a classic British farce written in 1887 by Arthur Wing Pinero, an actor and important British dramatist and stage director.



Arthur W. Pinero

Christopher Luscombe

Christopher Luscombe read English at Cambridge. He began his career as an actor, spending seven years with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and went on to appear at the National Theatre and in the West End. Directing credits include: The Shakespeare Revue (RSC and Vaudeville ...
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