The Beanfield

The Beanfield

The Beanfield

The Beanfield

The Beanfield


2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield - a brutal police crackdown on the annual Stonehenge Free Festival. Called away from policing the miners' strike to uphold a new injunction around the Stones, officers took the tactics of Orgreave to a field in Wiltshire - battering and injuring new age travellers, making mass-arrests and destroying their mobile homes. Performance makers Breach, and Guardian award-winning video artist Dorothy Allen-Pickard present a multimedia show set between the 1985 and 2015 summer solstice celebrations, reflecting on state violence, civic freedom and cultural heritage.


Breach Theatre

Breach is a multimedia performance company founded by Dorothy Allen-Pickard, Billy Barrett and Ellice Stevens, and produced by Ellie Claughton. They collaborate with actors to create politically engaged, formally exploratory shows that blend drama and documentary. Breach' ...
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