


This biographical portrait of T. E. Lawrence (a.k.a. Lawrence of Arabia) begins in 1922, when Lawrence was hiding under an assumed name as "Aircraftman Ross" in the Royal Air Force, and is being disciplined by his Flight Lieutenant for alleged misconduct. When Lawrence's identity is compromised, his dreams take him back to the various figures in his life, as the play flashes back to the famed Arab Revolts, beginning during World War I, in mid-1916.

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  • Genre: Biography
  • Time Period: 1920s, 1910s / WWI
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior


Terence Rattigan

Born in London on the 10th June 1911, Terence Rattigan (1911–1977) was educated at Harrow (Scholar) from 1925 to 1930 and Trinity College, Oxford (History Scholarship) BA to 1933. He served as a flight Lieutenant in the Central Command, RAF from 1940 to 1945. In 1934 he had b ...

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