Alice in Wonderland (Bradfield)

Alice in Wonderland (Bradfield)

Alice in Wonderland (Bradfield)

Alice in Wonderland (Bradfield)


After an explosive argument with Mum at Brixton underground station, eleven-year-old Alice leaps onto the tube seconds before the doors hiss shut. Trapped on a train speeding into Nonsense, surrounded by weird and wonderful passengers, and at the mercy of a Queen who won’t relinquish the controls, can Alice turn this train around?

Multi-award-winning company Poltergeist weaves rap music together with the sights and sounds of Brixton into a hundred-mile-an-hour Christmas adventure.

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  • Genre: Adventure
  • Time Period: Contemporary, Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: Ensemble Cast, Flexible Cast Size
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for All Audiences


Poltergeist Theatre

Poltergeist are an award-winning group of directors, writers, designers and performers who come together to make theatre. Named “one of the UK’s best young theatre companies” by the Guardian, they make work that is, first and foremost, collaborative, and fully in touch wit ...
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Jack Bradfield

Jack Bradfield is Artistic Director of Poltergeist and Resident Director at the Almeida Theatre. Poltergeist are an Associate Company at the North Wall, and in 2018 were listed in the Guardian as one of the UK’s Best Young Theatre Companies.

His new piece, Art Heist, is recipi ...

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Gerel Falconer