Hit the Deck

Hit the Deck

Stephen Jones, Paul Lannin, Hubert Osborn, Herbert Fields, Leo Robin, Clifford Grey, Vincent Youmans

Hit the Deck

Hit the Deck

Stephen Jones, Paul Lannin, Hubert Osborn, Herbert Fields, Leo Robin, Clifford Grey, Vincent Youmans


But Bilge is reluctant to consider marriage. So Loulou takes a small fortune she has come into and follows him all the way to China. When she finally seems to have won her point, Bilge discovers she is wealthy. Bilge is unwilling to marry but Loulou wins this round by agreeing to sign away her money to their first child.

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  • Time Period: 1920s
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences



Stephen Jones


Paul Lannin


Hubert Osborn

Herbert Fields

Herbert Fields (1897-1958) was a celebrated librettist and screenwriter. The brother and sister team of Herbert and Dorothy Fields was part of a vibrant New York theatrical family that also included their brother, Joseph, a prolific librettist and playwright, and their father ...

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Leo Robin

Leo Robin, an American lyricist and a major contributor to ‘The Great American Songbook’ of popular songs, was respected by his Hollywood colleagues for his modesty and lack of egocentricity even at the height of his fame. Robin was born in Pittsburgh, PA and attended the Uni ...

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Clifford Grey


Vincent Youmans