Based on the true story of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two 19-year-olds who murdered 14-year-old Bobby Franks in Chicago in 1924, Thrill Me focuses less on the murder itself than on the relationship between Leopold and Loeb. More than 30 years on, the older Nathan speaks at a parole board hearing, recalling the crime and the dynamics of his friendship with Richard, defined largely by their shared intelligence, their passion for Nietzschean philosophy, and their desire for the ultimate thrill. With simple staging requirements, Stephen Dolginoff's tense, two-character musical drama explores the unusual love story behind the “crime of the century".
Learn more about the show by listening to our interview with author Stephen Dolginoff.
Thrill Me premiered in New York City in 2003 at the Midtown International Theatre Festival; an Off-Broadway production opened in 2005 at the York Theatre. The London Premiere was in 2011 at the Tristan Bates Theatre, and later moved to the Charing Cross Theatre.